📚 Story:
As a teacher interested in accessing the curriculum, I want to request access to the curriculum through a simple form request.
:wrench: Requirements:
The form should have a required curriculum selection with the following options:
Level 1
Level 2
Both Level 1 and Level 2
The form should have a required “intended for use in” selection with the following options:
A middle school CS class
A middle school class that is not a CS class
An elementary school class
A high school class
A college class
An outreach event
The form should have the following text fields:
Name (Required)
Email (Required)
Organization (Optional)
How did you find us? (Optional)
A “submit request” button. When a users presses this they should either be given confirmation that the request was sent or error warning (e.g. “Please select which curriculum you would like to request”, “Could not send request, try again later. If this issue persists please email us.”, etc.)
The site should have a request log folder. When a proper request is made (e.i. all required fields were filled and they submitted), a text file with the information from the form should be added to the log folder. Date should also be logged and incorporated into the filename.
When a proper request is made, the information that is put into the log file is also sent as an email to Jennifer.
⚠️ Priority: High
📚 Story: As a teacher interested in accessing the curriculum, I want to request access to the curriculum through a simple form request.
:wrench: Requirements: