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StrawberryShake serialization of GeoJSONPointInput #6672

Open ChrisMH opened 1 year ago

ChrisMH commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


Strawberry Shake

Describe the bug

I am sending a GeoJSONPointInput to a GraphQL server for reverse geocoding. I am using a custom serializer to serialize the Position part of the input type, which has been in place and working up through 13.5.1. When upgrading to 13.7.0, my server started returning errors. I have tracked down the prerelease versions and the issue was introduced in 13.6.0-preview.33. 13.6.0-preview.32 worked.

Steps to reproduce

Using this serializer, send a GeoJSONPointInput to a GraphQL server:

    public class PositionSerializer : ScalarSerializer<JsonElement, Array>
        public PositionSerializer() : base("Position") { }

        public override Array Parse(JsonElement serializedValue)
            if (serializedValue.ValueKind != JsonValueKind.Array)
                throw new ArgumentException($"expected ValueKind '{JsonValueKind.Array}', received '{serializedValue.ValueKind}", nameof(serializedValue));

            if (serializedValue.GetArrayLength() == 2)
                return new[] {serializedValue[0].GetDouble(), serializedValue[1].GetDouble(), 0.0};

            if (serializedValue.GetArrayLength() == 3)
                return new[] {serializedValue[0].GetDouble(), serializedValue[1].GetDouble(), serializedValue[2].GetDouble()};

            throw new ArgumentException($"expected 2 or 3 coordinate values, received {serializedValue.GetArrayLength()}", nameof(serializedValue));

        protected override JsonElement Format(Array runtimeValue)
            if (runtimeValue.Length == 2)
                return JsonDocument.Parse($"[{(double) runtimeValue.GetValue(0)!},{(double) runtimeValue.GetValue(1)!},0.0]").RootElement;

            if (runtimeValue.Length == 3)
                return JsonDocument.Parse($"[{(double) runtimeValue.GetValue(0)!},{(double) runtimeValue.GetValue(1)!},{(double) runtimeValue.GetValue(2)!}]").RootElement;

            throw new ArgumentException($"expected 2 or 3 coordinate values, received {runtimeValue.Length}", nameof(runtimeValue));

Relevant log output

Assert.Empty() Failure: Collection was not empty
Collection: [ClientError { Code = null, Exception = null, Extensions = [["field"] = "GeoJSONPointInput.coordinates", ["fieldType"] = "Position"], Locations = null, Message = "Unknown", ··· }]
   at GraphTest.Integration.GraphIntegrationTestBase.VerifyOperationResult[T](IOperationResult`1 result, ITestOutputHelper testOutput) in /Users/chogan/Dev/ovc/web-service/GraphTest/Integration/GraphIntegrationTestBase.cs:line 220
   at GraphTest.Integration.Details.Geocode.ReverseGeocodeTests.ReverseGeocodeTest(TestCase tc) in /Users/chogan/Dev/ovc/web-service/GraphTest/Integration/Details/Geocode/ReverseGeocodeTests.cs:line 62
   at Xunit.Sdk.TestInvoker`1.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<<InvokeTestMethodAsync>b__1>d.MoveNext() in /_/src/xunit.execution/Sdk/Frameworks/Runners/TestInvoker.cs:line 285
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Xunit.Sdk.ExecutionTimer.AggregateAsync(Func`1 asyncAction) in /_/src/xunit.execution/Sdk/Frameworks/ExecutionTimer.cs:line 48
   at Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionAggregator.RunAsync(Func`1 code) in /_/src/xunit.core/Sdk/ExceptionAggregator.cs:line 90

Data: none
1. message:Unknown, code:
    field: GeoJSONPointInput.coordinates
    fieldType: Position

Additional Context?

13.6.0-preview.32 - Working 13.6.0-preview.33 - NOT working

My server is 13.7.0. I am using 13.7.0 for code generation. The package that appears to cause the problem is StrawberryShake.Server. The above versions where changed for that package only.

I am able to send the operation directly to the server using Postman:

query($point: GeoJSONPointInput!) {
    reverseGeocode(point: $point) {

    "point": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-85.113162,41.0766406,0]



anna-is-cute commented 1 year ago

I expect this issue is the same one I have been experiencing. I also had to downgrade to 13.5.1 because anything newer causes issues.

public class OptionsSerializer : ScalarSerializer<JsonElement, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> {
    public OptionsSerializer(string typeName = "Options") : base(typeName) {

    public override Dictionary<string, List<string>> Parse(JsonElement serializedValue) {
        return serializedValue.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>()!;

    protected override JsonElement Format(Dictionary<string, List<string>> runtimeValue) {
        return JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(runtimeValue);

Using this results in

StrawberryShake.GraphQLClientException: Failed to parse "Options": invalid type: string "{}", expected a map
   at StrawberryShake.OperationResultExtensions.EnsureNoErrors(IOperationResult result)

Rust backend is reporting that it received a string "{}" instead of an empty object {}.