ChilliCream / graphql-platform

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Support F# Async<_> expressions #7023

Open cmeeren opened 2 months ago

cmeeren commented 2 months ago


Hot Chocolate

I think this request is conceptually fairly simple - it just requires a trivial wrapper.

As we all know, HotChocolate has built-in support for Task<_>. The following works fine:

type Query() =

    member _.GetFoo([<Service>] fooRepo: FooRepository, cancellationToken) : Task<Foo> =
        task {
            let! foo = fooRepo.GetFoo(cancellationToken)
            return foo

However, in F#, we generally use Async<_> instead of Task<_>. This has several benefits, such as implicit cancellation token passing, better composability, etc. The following is how I ideally would like to write this, but it does not work, since HotChocolate does not know about Async:

type Query() =

    member _.GetFoo([<Service>] fooRepo: FooRepository) : Async<Foo> =
        async {
            let! foo = fooRepo.GetFoo()
            return foo

However, simply by wrapping the async computation in Async.StartImmediateAsTask (and passing the cancellation token from HotChocolate), it works as expected:

    member _.GetFoo([<Service>] fooRepo: FooRepository, cancellationToken) : Task<Foo> =
        let comp =
            async {
                let! foo = fooRepo.GetFoo()
                return foo

        Async.StartImmediateAsTask(comp, cancellationToken)

This is a simple workaround, but it's a drag to have to do in it every async resolver. I would like HotChocolate (possibly in HotChocolate.Types.FSharp or another F#-oriented package) to do this for me. That way, the middle of the three code snippets above would work out of the box.