ChilliCream / graphql-platform

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AddMutationConventions throws exception if a mutation has an enum with a default value in its signature #7072

Open SvdSinner opened 3 weeks ago

SvdSinner commented 3 weeks ago


Hot Chocolate



Link to minimal reproduction

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build code and see that it works by using BannanaCakePop
  2. Uncomment line 10 of HotChocolatePOC\Program.cs to enable .AddMutationConventions()
  3. Build code and see through BannanaCakePop that the schema can no longer be downloaded due to 500 server errors.
  4. Remove the default value of the severity argument on line 37 of HotChocolatePOC\LoggingMutation.cs
  5. Rebuild code and see through BannanaCakePop that the schema can now be downloaded normally and 500 server errors are no longer happening.

What is expected?

Enum parameters should be able to have default values while using .AddMutationConventions()

What is actually happening?

Enum parameters with default parameters cause exceptions leading to 500 server errors when used with .AddMutationConventions()

Relevant log output

No response

Additional context

This is possibly related to issue 7040