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Uri deserialization should support relative URIs #7207

Open gregsdennis opened 1 week ago

gregsdennis commented 1 week ago


Strawberry Shake



Link to minimal reproduction

Steps to reproduce

Query against GitHub API:

query {
  user(login:"<username>") {
    ... on Sponsorable {
      sponsors(first: 10) {
        nodes {
          ... on User {
          ... on Organization {

You need a sponsor who's URL is relative, like Apparently GH accepts that.

I can't create a reproduction because it requires authenticated data. The reproduction link I've supplied is the point at which my app fails.

What is expected?

I expect the response to deserialize.

Uri.TryCreate() successfully makes a relative URI.

What is actually happening?

Apparently one of my sponsors has entered a URL like as their website, and the ILeafValueParser<Uri> that's generated seems to have a hard time parsing it. Seems it interprets this as a relative URI and expects it to start with a slash.

Exception is GraphQLClientException with this as the message:

The relative uri does not start with '/'

Relevant log output

No log output.

Additional context

Per @michaelstaib (in Slack) the serializer is

gregsdennis commented 3 days ago

I'd like to propose two approaches:

Check for hostname

Use the Uri.CheckHostName() method to check if it's a valid host name. If so, maybe prepend https:// on it and try to parse again.

This approach suits this particular case where some user has entered as their website, but it does make the assumption that this is the case.

Support custom parsers

(Maybe this is already done; I can't find it.)

It'd be nice to be able to register a custom converter for a particular type, like you can with System.Text.Json.

michaelstaib commented 3 days ago

Lets remove the check and allow relative URIs.