ChilliCream / graphql-workshop

Getting started with GraphQL on ASP.NET Core and Hot Chocolate - Workshop
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Error in SpeakerType.cs on page ? #95

Closed filipgoris closed 2 years ago

filipgoris commented 2 years ago

Following the docs until the explanation of [Fluent Type Configurations on page] (
Executing query

query GetSpeakerWithSessions { speakers { name sessions { title } } }

Should produce list of speakers with empty sessions list
Produces instead "There was no argument with the name speaker found on the field sessions." for each speaker on line 4 column 5 of the query.

zachbugay commented 2 years ago

The documentation needs to be corrected. The documentation is using Hot Chocolate 11 guidelines, but failed to add the resolver requires a parent attribute now.

Open up your SpeakerType file and update the resolver signature as such:

        private class SpeakerResolvers
            public async Task<IEnumerable<Session>> GetSessionsAsync(
                [Parent] Speaker speaker, // Requires the [Parent] attribute.
                [ScopedService] ApplicationDbContext dbContext,
                SessionByIdDataLoader sessionById,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                int[] sessionIds = await dbContext.Speakers
                    .Where(s => s.Id == speaker.Id)
                    .Include(s => s.SessionSpeakers)
                    .SelectMany(s => s.SessionSpeakers.Select(t => t.SessionId))

                return await sessionById.LoadAsync(sessionIds, cancellationToken);
    More info can be found [](here)
filipgoris commented 2 years ago

Perfect. That was it!