ChimeraCoder / MLang

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Project Presentation #24

Open tinkcode opened 12 years ago

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

It's going to be 4 mins/ person and a couple of minutes for the demo with Dan?

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

Also, Aho needs the presentation by 9 am tomorrow. So we need to finish things off by tonight. And I think it would be nice if we could meet sometime before the presentation and do a mock before we do the real one

sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago

9 am or 10? I got an email saying 10 am.

I will be in the lounge early next morning. Catch me there.

na-na commented 12 years ago

I too got an email saying 10am. What time do we meet tomorrrow?

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

Oh i'm sorry.. I think I read it wrong.. so the presentation is at 1:30.. I think a good time to meet would be 11, assuming everyone comes on time.. and the lounge would be good..

na-na commented 12 years ago

Who is working on what part? And when do we compile?

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

I'm working on the first set of slides - Intro until detailed explanation of the language. Aditya will take over from me, followed by nikhil, you and the demo

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

I will be done with my slides in another 30 mins or so.. I will mail it to the team for review. When all of us are done, we can compile.. I think that will have to be later in the night though..

na-na commented 12 years ago

Okay, I will mail my slides by 6.30-7 in the morning. Sushmita, let me know if it needs to be done tonight itself.

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On May 7, 2012, at 11:28 PM, wrote:

I will be done with my slides in another 30 mins or so.. I will mail it to the team for review. When all of us are done, we can compile.. I think that will have to be later in the night though..

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tinkcode commented 12 years ago

I think it would be best if the compilation could be done by tonight.. cause that way we can all do a review and mail it to him..

na-na commented 12 years ago

Okay, give me like an hour..

Sent from my iPhone

On May 7, 2012, at 11:43 PM, wrote:

I think it would be best if the compilation could be done by tonight.. cause that way we can all do a review and mail it to him..

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sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago

Brilliant. I am re-working the report and creating some more .mlang files as well as adding some more features.

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

Unless someone has strong feelings otherwise, I'd like to go first - MLang's power comes from its homoiconicity, so it makes sense to open with that, and I think I have a nice way of using that as an introduction/hook.

When we say 'compilation', are we referring to the program that Dan will be composing? We should settle this ASAP (tonight, ideally). I just tried compiling a file the way that we implied that we would in the documentation, and it doesn't seem to be working, so we should address this.

Basically, whatever song we have should be contained entirely in one file, except for one part (say, the bass line), which is contained in a second file. We can compile those two files together to create the midi. Or, Dan can create a third file to replace the second (an alternate, improved bass line) which is then compiled in the same process.

We need to make this as easy as possible; Dan's not going to be able to do anything too complex with this, so it has to be a 100% polished process.

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

Okay, so I pushed the reordered introduction - let me know if any of you don't like the change for some reason, but I think that homoiconicity is a good way to explain the motivation for MLang.

As for the compilation, it's possible that we've switched the linked-compilation process/command-line syntax and I've simply forgotten; either way, let's make sure this is working so we don't have any last-minute panics.

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

Hey, so I think there is a normal order that is followed, where the project manager introduces the topic, the language guru talks about the language, the integrator about the implementation and the tester about the testing..

Let me put up what I'm planning to talk about.. I'm not going to go into great detail on the language since that is your forte.. So you could still delve deeper on the motivation behind the language, if thats okay..

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

So basically I plan to introduce the language- What our primary motive was behind starting with MLang How other music synthesis languages are designed Languages designed on high level languages are syntactically more complex Brief intro into why we chose functional language Other music languages based on functional programming languages Say that these languages are simple, but still require some amount of programming knowledge Make way for you to go into detail about the properties of MLang

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

Oh, was there really? I didn't see that. Nevermind, then, I had a nice intro idea, but it's not that important.

As for your second note, that all sounds fine - though looking at it it looks like much more than 4 minutes in length, just FYI.

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

I'm sorry.. Maybe we can still implement your idea, not the exact one, but a modified version that can follow mine.. I could end mine in a way that could help your idea.. Let me know if that's something you'd want to do..

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

As for the length of the presentation.. I will check it up and make sure it comes within the span of 4 mins or reduce if it doesnt..

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the offer, but it's really not a big deal!

As for the length, I'm mostly just anticipating that the live demo with Dan will inevitably take a bit more time than we think it will, so let's keep that in mind.

tinkcode commented 12 years ago

Yup, I agree.. We have 20 mins to make the presentation.. 5 mins - demo with Dan 3 mins - run and explain the sample program? That gives each of us around 3 mins to make our presentations.. I think we should plan around that..

sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago

Yup. I think SS can start first followed by Aditya. I can come in then explain the architecture, give a short tutorial + demo. NA can then talk about testing, etc. We can then invite Dan to try his hand at MLang given whatever he has seen in the tutorial.