ChimeraCoder / MLang

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Update Makefile #7

Open ChimeraCoder opened 12 years ago

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

I'm assuming our Makefile isn't up to date, because I just pulled from testing, and ran, make clean && make && make test , and the tests fail.

We should centralize all of this process into the Makefile so that we don't have to worry about what changes are being made; if someone changes the way tests should run or the code is compiled, they should update the test: or mlang: targets respectively, so that nobody else needs to be aware of the changes if all they want to do is compile and test the new code.

sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago

2297a9fd9a1cd34d82927161aa50942c468abea0 fixes it.

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

This is not fixed yet - I just pulled HEAD of testing, and it doesn't work, nor does checking out 2297a9fd9a1cd34d82927161aa50942c468abea0 directly. I get an ambiguous redirect error in bash, and quoting the filename doesn't seem to solve the problem.

I need to work on other stuff (like implementing the fixed-point operator), but we need to get the Makefile working again. Anybody should be able to pull the head of the testing branch and run make test without any poking around; that's the point of GNU make (to be agnostic of project structure).

sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago


nikhil@ubuntu:~/courses/plt/MLang$ make test ./ test_repl_input.txt Begin tests .............passed ||Format is . If there is a second pipe after correct-output, all following text will be ignored (as in this line). .............passed (car (5 6)) | 5 | Tests (car ...) function .............passed ((LAMBDA (X Y) (CONS (CAR X) Y)) (QUOTE (A B)) (CDR (QUOTE (C D)))) | (A D) | Tests creation of lambda and lambda application .............passed ((LABEL FF (LAMBDA (X Y) (CONS (CAR X) Y))) (FF (QUOTE (A B)) (CDR (QUOTE (C D))))) | (#T (A D)) | Tests the LABEL statement .............passed (cdr (5 6 7)) | (6 7) | Tests (cdr ..) function .............passed (car (cdr (5 6 7))) | 6 | Tests (car (cdr ..)) composition .............passed (EQUAL (CAR (QUOTE (A B))) (QUOTE A)) | #T | Tests EQUAL .............passed (EQUAL (CAR (CDR (QUOTE (A B)))) (QUOTE A)) | () | Tests EQUAL .............passed (ATOM (QUOTE A)) | #T | Tests Atom .............passed (COND ((ATOM (QUOTE A)) (QUOTE B)) ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE C))) | B | Tests COND .............passed ((LABEL XX (QUOTE (A B))) (CAR XX)) | (#T A) | Tests function application .............passed ((LABEL FOO (CONS 1 2)) (SETCAR FOO 3) (SETCDR FOO 4) (CAR FOO)) | (#T #T #T 3) | Tests SETCAR

sarda-nikhil commented 12 years ago

Fixed make test. Its now make testmlang (there was a directory named test in the repo which was messing up things.)

ChimeraCoder commented 12 years ago

We should rename that, then - make test is standard enough that it should work as-is. I don't see the directory, though - did you remove it?