ChimeraFlutter / Chimera-Flutter-Code-Push

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./rust_compile 无法使用,执行后编译不过 #12

Open 393385724 opened 1 year ago

393385724 commented 1 year ago

环境: Flutter 3.0.5 • channel stable • Framework • revision f1875d570e (9 months ago) • 2022-07-13 11:24:16 -0700 Engine • revision e85ea0e79c Tools • Dart 2.17.6 • DevTools 2.12.2

-> % ./rust_compile Current version 1.0.7 Couldn't connect to the server...


Undefined class 'RegisterBindClass'.\nTry changing the name to the name of an existing class, or creating a class with the name 'RegisterBindClass'. The method 'PointerAttribute' isn't defined for the type 'WTAnalysisReadCode'. Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'PointerAttribute'.