ChimeraFlutter / Chimera-Flutter-Code-Push

This SDK helps Flutter implement Code Push(热更新). Official Blog:
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When I compile, nothing happens. #5

Open tagby-haedongJeon opened 1 year ago

tagby-haedongJeon commented 1 year ago

"" I followed this guide. However, when the ./rust_compile command is executed, only the text “Current version 1.0.7” is displayed and nothing happens.

Maybe m1 Mac is not supported?

toannmdev commented 1 year ago

The same for me, I tried m1 Mac and macbook pro 2015

kamoguai commented 1 year ago

Same +1.

I followed this video,

flutter ver 2.2.3 and dart ver 2.13.4

tatsuyuki25 commented 1 year ago

same issue.

Aaron009 commented 1 year ago

The workload of the hot update is too large, and it is impossible to allocate manpower.