Chimoney / chimoney-community-projects

Repo for Community Contributors
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315/dockerization #317

Open davidongora opened 7 months ago

davidongora commented 7 months ago

containerized the project by creating a docker file that will create an image

uchibeke commented 7 months ago

Hi there, I am not sure which project is being dockerized are there are several within the Submissions folder. Also, whats the rational for this PR? How do people use the docker images?

davidongora commented 7 months ago

To develop and test applications. Docker images can be used to create isolated environments in which to develop and test applications. This can help to prevent conflicts between different versions of dependencies and make it easier to share development environments with other team members. To deploy applications to production. Docker images can be used to deploy applications to production in a consistent and reliable way. This can help to reduce the risk of errors and make it easier to scale applications up or down as needed. To create microservices. Docker images are well-suited for creating microservices, which are small, self-contained services that can be combined to create a larger application. This can make applications more modular and scalable.