Chimoney / chimoney-community-projects

Repo for Community Contributors
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Adding Deployment Documentation(SlackBot) #339

Closed thelimeskies closed 7 months ago

thelimeskies commented 7 months ago

This PR introduces an essential section to our project's documentation that covers deployment procedures for our Slackbot on different platforms: Render, AWS, and Heroku. It provides a step-by-step guide for our users, making it easier for them to deploy and utilize our Slackbot.


Added Deployment Section

Context: Deployment is a critical aspect of ensuring the effective utilization of our Slackbot. By adding this section to our documentation, we aim to assist developers in deploying our Slackbot on the platform of their choice and promote a smoother onboarding experience.

Reviewers: Please review this PR to ensure that the deployment documentation is clear and complete. Feel free to make any necessary suggestions for improvement.


We appreciate your attention to this enhancement. Let's make it easier for other developers to deploy our Slackbot effectively.

@phyleria Please kindly review @uchibeke I've added a deployment guide incase other developers need to deploy and make modifications Thank You
