Chloe384 / STA9750-2024-FALL

Projects from STA 9750 Fall 2024
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Mini Project 00 Peer Review Feedback for Chloe Yu from Jason Amey #2

Open jasonamey opened 1 week ago

jasonamey commented 1 week ago

For your first coding activity, the site looks really solid and it offers a nice narrative about you, your interests and where you're looking to go with R and business analytics.

You might want to use this as an opportunity for you to potentially link to other resources on your site - namely yourself!

There is the potential someone could visit yourself, want to investigate your other presences on the web, and then not have any other places to explore.

For you name, you could either link to :

  1. back to your Github
  2. your LinkedIn


Hi everyone. My name is Chloe Yu!

Just a thought!