Chman / Snowkit-FD

snowkit templates for FlashDevelop
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Is documentation up to date? #9

Open elsassph opened 8 years ago

elsassph commented 8 years ago

It says a dev build is needed, is that still the case?

Aside from that there are 3 templates and it's really not clear what you should use, especially as Luxe doc says: Luxe runs on Snow and uses Flow to build - why would you have a template for each of those parts?

Chman commented 8 years ago

It says a dev build is needed, is that still the case?

Probably not, but to be honest I haven't used FlashDevelop in a long time. I don't remember why it needed the dev version at the time... I think it was for the ability to redefine commands (the platform dropdown in the toolbar).

why would you have a template for each of those parts?

These were bootstrapping templates. Flow can be used for custom projects AFAIK, it's a build system. Luxe depends on Snow but Snow can be used on its own if you don't want to use Luxe and only want to get access to a set of "low level" libs (for windows, input, sound, GL, etc). So I think it makes sense to have all three separated.

elsassph commented 8 years ago

Alright so normally you shouldn't need the dev build, but I fixed some completion bug yesterday so the dev build is still needed.

You should use the project description field to describe a bit the use case for the templates.

Trying a template I noticed that it isn't leveraging templating to insert useful things (like project name you've chosen) in the project and JSON files.