Chman / Typogenic

Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity
zlib License
193 stars 31 forks source link

Minor changes to structure and documentation. #18

Closed DeeNaxic closed 7 years ago

DeeNaxic commented 7 years ago

The following changes:

(This update seems insignificant, but it's the footwork for some major code addition to come)

DeeNaxic commented 7 years ago

This also makes way for two potential additions:

Chman commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry I missed your post on the forums. Sound like good ideas, feel free to push a PR :) I'll review and merge this one in a bit.

I'm not really using Typogenic anymore so I'm not actively maintaining it (although I do accept PRs). Just to satisfy my curiosity, may I ask why you chose to use Typogenic instead of TextMesh Pro (which is now free and is being integrated into Unity)?