Chobbes / org-chef

A package for making a cookbook and managing recipes with org-mode.
MIT License
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Import and export recipes as JSON or some other standardized format #39

Open michaelbogdan opened 4 years ago

michaelbogdan commented 4 years ago

As is, org-chef is capable of working with semi-structured data and is internally semi-structured. Some recipe sources provide recipes in some type of standardized, structured format and it would be nice to pull data from there, too.

One example of a JSON source is this JSON list of recipes on GitHub which can be parsed almost as-is.

The advantage of JSON and similarly YAML or XML is that it forces us to specify the recipe format and makes it easy to export recipes from org-mode to other, specialized programs or websites. Some wordpress plugins for example are capable of taking in JSON and uploading as a recipe.

Examples of JSON recipe schemas are

Both offer more structure than org-recipe currently supports, most notably structured information about ingredients and their amounts. Having structured ingredients would help to autogenerate nutrition values (#6), and having structured amounts helps with conversions between metric and imperial/customary (#4), as well as automatically scaling recipes up or down. It would also make implementing #21 easier with better access to structured ingredients.

pashultz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for writing this up! I've been using org-chef to collect recipes from websites and was recently looking for a way to share them with family and friends. The Nextcloud Cookbook app looks promising, but it requires the JSON format. It would be perfect if there were an easy way to migrate between it and org-chef, and this seems like the obvious approach.

In theory, I would be happy to help with this. In practice, I have very little relevant experience and not much time in the next couple months, but I'd still like to try. I imagine the export could be accomplished through an ox-json-recipe.el package, modeled after the ox-* ones in contrib, but what about import—is there any infrastructure within Org for importing other formats? Can capture templates do this??