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Gamedev.js Jam 2024
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error when `npm run dev` #1

Open lizhiyu-me opened 1 month ago

lizhiyu-me commented 1 month ago

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'events') at index.js:1:38863 at index.js:1:7239 at index.js:1:8849 at a (index.js:1:51763) at EventEmitter2. (index.js:1:19574) at EventEmitter2.emit (phaser.js?v=71e869a5:109:45) at DisplayList2.addChildCallback (phaser.js?v=71e869a5:17573:35) at Object.Add (phaser.js?v=71e869a5:136116:34) at DisplayList2.add (phaser.js?v=71e869a5:115940:41) at GameObjectFactory2.existing (phaser.js?v=71e869a5:18428:40)

Golen87 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting. Please provide the steps you did to recreate this.