Gentlemen added another field in the tables user and log, called user unit, to register the clients of a certain department, however, I can not save in the table loga when the client connects with openvpn. can you help me solve this problem?
// Select the users
if($_GET['select'] == "user"){
$req = $bdd->prepare('SELECT * FROM user');
if($data = $req->fetch()) {
do {
$list[] = array("user_id" => $data['user_id'],
"user_pass" => $data['user_pass'],
"user_mail" => $data['user_mail'],
"user_phone" => $data['user_phone'],
"user_online" => $data['user_online'],
"user_enable" => $data['user_enable'],
"user_start_date" => $data['user_start_date'],
"user_end_date" => $data['user_end_date'],
"user_unity" => $data['user_unity']);
} while($data = $req->fetch());
echo json_encode($list);
// If it is an empty answer, we need to encore an empty json object
$list = array();
echo json_encode($list);
// Select the logs
else if($_GET['select'] == "log" && isset($_GET['offset'], $_GET['limit'])){
$offset = intval($_GET['offset']);
$limit = intval($_GET['limit']);
// Creation of the LIMIT for build different pages
$page = "LIMIT $offset, $limit";
// ... filtering by the bootstrap table plugin
$filter = isset($_GET['filter']) ? json_decode($_GET['filter'],true) : []; // this is passed by the bootstrap table filter plugin (if a filter was chosen by the user): these are the $
$where = !empty($filter)?'WHERE TRUE':'';
$allowed_query_filters = ['user_id','log_trusted_ip','log_trusted_port','log_remote_ip','log_remote_port','log_user_unity']; // these are valid filters that could be used (defined he$
$query_filters_existing = [];
foreach($filter as $unsanitized_filter_key => $unsanitized_filter_val) {
if(in_array($unsanitized_filter_key, $allowed_query_filters)) { // if this condition does not match: ignore it, because this parameter should not be passed
// if $unsanitized_filter_key is in array $allowed_query_filters its a valid key and can not be harmful, so it can be considered sanitized
$where .= " AND $unsanitized_filter_key = ?";
$query_filters_existing[] = $unsanitized_filter_key;
// Select the logs
$req_string = "SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM log $where) AS nb FROM log $where ORDER BY log_id DESC $page";
$req = $bdd->prepare($req_string);
// dynamically bind the params
foreach(array_merge($query_filters_existing,$query_filters_existing) as $i => $query_filter) // array_merge -> duplicated the array contents; this is needed because our where clause $
$req->bindValue($i+1, $filter[$query_filter]);
$list = array();
$data = $req->fetch();
if($data) {
$nb = $data['nb'];
do {
// Better in Kb or Mb
$received = ($data['log_received'] > 1000000) ? $data['log_received']/1000000 . " Mb" : $data['log_received']/1000 . " Kb";
$sent = ($data['log_send'] > 1000000) ? $data['log_send']/1000000 . " Mb" : $data['log_send']/1000 . " Kb";
// We add to the array the new line of logs
array_push($list, array(
"log_id" => $data['log_id'],
"user_id" => $data['user_id'],
"log_trusted_ip" => $data['log_trusted_ip'],
"log_trusted_port" => $data['log_trusted_port'],
"log_remote_ip" => $data['log_remote_ip'],
"log_remote_port" => $data['log_remote_port'],
"log_start_time" => $data['log_start_time'],
"log_end_time" => $data['log_end_time'],
"log_received" => $received,
"log_send" => $sent,
"log_user_unity" => $data['log_user_unity']));
} while ($data = $req->fetch());
else {
$nb = 0;
// We finally print the result
$result = array('total' => intval($nb), 'rows' => $list);
echo json_encode($result);
// Select the admins
else if($_GET['select'] == "admin"){
$req = $bdd->prepare('SELECT * FROM admin');
if($data = $req->fetch()) {
$list[] = array(
"admin_id" => $data['admin_id'],
"admin_pass" => $data['admin_pass']
} while($data = $req->fetch());
echo json_encode($list);
$list = array();
echo json_encode($list);
$field = $_POST['name'];
$value = $_POST['value'];
$pk = $_POST['pk'];
if (!isset($field) || !isset($pk) || !in_array($field, $valid)) {
if ($field === 'user_pass') {
$value = hashPass($value);
else if (($field === 'user_start_date' || $field === 'user_end_date') && $value === '') {
$value = NULL;
// /!\ SQL injection: field was checked with in_array function
$req_string = 'UPDATE user SET ' . $field . ' = ? WHERE user_id = ?';
$req = $bdd->prepare($req_string);
$req->execute(array($value, $pk));
// ---------------- REMOVE USER ----------------
else if(isset($_POST['del_user'], $_POST['del_user_id'])){
$req = $bdd->prepare('DELETE FROM user WHERE user_id = ?');
$pathinfo = pathinfo($_POST['config_file']);
$config_full_uri = $_POST['config_file']; // the complete path to the file, including the file (name) its self and the fully qualified path
$config_full_path = $pathinfo['dirname']; // path to file (without filename its self)
$config_name = basename($_POST['config_file']); // config file name only (without path)
$config_parent_dir = basename($config_full_path); // name of the dir that contains the config file (without path)
* create backup for history
if (!file_exists($dir="../$config_full_path/history"))
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
$ts = time();
copy("../$config_full_uri", "../$config_full_path/history/${ts}_${config_name}");
* write config
$conf_success = file_put_contents('../'.$_POST['config_file'], $_POST['config_content']);
echo json_encode([
'debug' => [
'config_file' => $_POST['config_file'],
'config_content' => $_POST['config_content']
'config_success' => $conf_success !== false,
Gentlemen added another field in the tables user and log, called user unit, to register the clients of a certain department, however, I can not save in the table loga when the client connects with openvpn. can you help me solve this problem?
`<?php session_start();
if(!isset($_SESSION['admin_id'])) exit -1;
require(dirname(FILE) . '/connect.php'); require(dirname(FILE) . '/functions.php');
// ---------------- SELECT ---------------- if(isset($_GET['select'])){
} // ---------------- ADD USER ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['add_user'], $_POST['user_id'], $_POST['user_pass'])){ // Put some default values $id = $_POST['user_id']; $pass = hashPass($_POST['user_pass']); $mail = ""; $phone = ""; $online = 0; $enable = 1; $start = NULL; $end = NULL; $unity = "";
} // ---------------- UPDATE USER ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['set_user'])){ $valid = array("user_id", "user_pass", "user_mail", "user_phone", "user_enable", "user_start_date", "user_end_date", "user_unity");
} // ---------------- REMOVE USER ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['del_user'], $_POST['del_user_id'])){ $req = $bdd->prepare('DELETE FROM user WHERE user_id = ?'); $req->execute(array($_POST['del_user_id'])); }
// ---------------- ADD ADMIN ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['add_admin'], $_POST['admin_id'], $_POST['admin_pass'])){ $req = $bdd->prepare('INSERT INTO admin(admin_id, admin_pass) VALUES (?, ?)'); $req->execute(array($_POST['admin_id'], hashPass($_POST['admin_pass']))); }
// ---------------- UPDATE ADMIN ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['set_admin'])){ $valid = array("admin_id", "admin_pass");
// ---------------- REMOVE ADMIN ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['del_admin'], $_POST['del_admin_id'])){ $req = $bdd->prepare('DELETE FROM admin WHERE admin_id = ?'); $req->execute(array($_POST['del_admin_id'])); }
// ---------------- UPDATE CONFIG ---------------- else if(isset($_POST['update_config'])){
?> `