Chocolate-Manor / Dial-B-for-Bee

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improve git-workflow #71

Open Jorgeromeu opened 2 years ago

Jorgeromeu commented 2 years ago

Throughout the gamejam phase we had a lot of issues with the git workflow... many features had to be implemented several times and merges were almost never resolvable. To avoid this we should invest time into setting up a good workflow with git to avoid issues like this.

This is especially important now, as we are working in a decentralised way so issues in the workflow are much slower to resolve than when we were working more directly

Jorgeromeu commented 2 years ago

ok, from the initial research I've done it seems that the main issue is that we are all working directly in the scene. The unity YAML scenes are just not manually mergeable (the format is not intended to be editable directly) so there are two main solutions:

  1. Using unity plugins that take care of the merging Not a bad idea and something which could be added but it's not a solution to the underlying problem
  2. Breaking up scenes to avoid large ones this is the true solution in my opinion. If the project is broken up into very atomic scenes/prefabs etc then when merging you can simply "take theirs" or "take ours". In our current setup that doesn't really work because choosing one or another will invalidate all of a person's work but with very small scenes/prefabs this is much less of an issue and the chance of actually needing to merge scenes is much less likely and also much simpler. Also if the merge conflicts are small then just reimplementing as we have done previously will be actually quite fast as opposed to now where it is very slow

What do you all think? how should we go about this?

PavlosMak commented 2 years ago

I suggest we use both approaches. Suggestion 2 we can start implementing (for most things) but for 1 we need a bit more research to figure out what plugin to use.