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Oracle Property #9

Open ChongruiYang opened 1 year ago

ChongruiYang commented 1 year ago

在统计与机器学习中,oracle property是指一个估计量在某些条件下可以达到理想状态的性质。具体而言:

  1. 一致性。这表示估计量在样本量趋向无穷大时,其估计值会收敛到真实值。这保证了估计量在大样本理论下的无偏性和拟合优度。
  2. 选择性。这表示估计量能够在训练过程中实现变量或特征选择,选出真正相关的变量或特征。在无穷样本下,选出的变量或特征为真正影响因变量的变量或特征。

所以,在统计学习中,具有oracle property的估计量在理论上具有以下优点:

1)可以在有限样本下产生无偏稳定的估计,并在样本量增加时收敛到真实值。这使得该估计量在统计上是有效的。 2)可以在训练过程中实现真正有意义的变量选择。这使得该估计量产生的模型更加精简和可解释。 3)由于选择出的变量具有真正的预测力,该估计量的预测性能优于包含较多无关变量的模型。这特别适用于高维数据场景。 4)具有更强的可扩展性。由于实现了变量选择,在特征空间维度较高时,该估计量的计算复杂度不会呈指数增长。

典型的具有oracle property的估计量有:

ChongruiYang commented 1 year ago

aberrant abnormal abort quit absurd ridiculous aggravate 1)annoy 2)increase 3)combined;overall agile astute;clever;move and act quickly; quick and active albeit even though ambivalent mixed annihilate completely remove; destory antler horn approach method;move toward archive record;stock;store array range as a rule in general asset advantage assimilate combine assorted combine assume take on attachment to preference for attendant accompanying attribute 1)characteristic 2)accredit augment increase avenue means;method bustling busy;lively barge boat barrier impediment; obstacle be susceptible to be subject to beckon invite bombard assault;strike; assail boon great benefit brew develop cardinal fundamental chisel carve chronic confirmed; inveterate; habitual; persistent clung to hold cluster group coating cover colossal enormous comparable equivalent compensate reimburse compulsory required conducive contributive congeal solidify conspicuous notable constellation collection; combination constitution component contentious disputed contiguous neighboring converging concentrating convict doom;sentence;condemn counsel advise counter oppose countervail compensate; oppose crawl move crest peak cumbersome awkward; clumsy; unwieldy curb control daring bold deluxe lavish desiccated dry detrimental harmful devoted dedicated devour eat diligent careful dim 1) decrease 2) weak disentangle disband dispensable not necessary displace move out of position dissipate disperse divest deprive; get rid of elapsed passed emanate emerge embark on start encapsulate state briefly enlist obtain ensue result escalate extend exaggerate overstate excrete expel expediency advantage; convenience expedient fitting expend use explicit obvious expose to subject to extant remaning; existing; not extinct exude give off; release facet aspect feast eating flow movement formidable excessive foul pollute gear adjust give rise to produce grasp understand groom make up; clean grounds reasons grudging unenthusiastic hairline slight haphazard random harness use; utilize hasty hurried haul pull havoc destruction heed notice heir inheritor hide conceal hither to preciously hobby pastime host of great number hub center hurdle fence ignite set on fire immobile fixed impetus incentive; stimulus improbable unlikely in respect to in term of in advertently without knowing; unintentionally inaugurate introduce inclement unfavorable inconceivable unimaginable incursion invasion indispensable essential; necessary; needed; required; vital; significant indistinct not clear inert motionless; motiveless inflicting bring about; impose inordinate excessive intact untouched; complete integral essential intrusive invasive invent devise invoke appeal jettison release jolt shock lag delay liberal extensive linger stroll; wander listening advertent majestic magnificent malleable pliable mandatory obligatory; required mask cover; disguise mechanism means microbe germ minutely finely; in detail mock pretend monotone tedious needless to say obvious nocturnal night time notwithstanding 1) despite 2) nevertheless obsession with fixation on offset balance; compensate; make up for; counterbalance orchestrate stage-manage orientation 1) perspective 2) introduction owing to because of parcel out distribute pare away remove peril danger perpetual constant pertinent relevant piecing joining pinnacle high point pledge promise plumage feather pocketbook affordable pore space; hole portion constituent; part posit assume; propose; suggest postulate hypothesize; presume precarious insecure predicament difficult situation; serious situation prediction prophecy premise 1) assume 2) assumption preordain ordain; appoint; foreordain pristine pure procure acquire; obtain programmed determined pronounced definite; clear; notable propagate multiply; reproduce propel push protrude project; stick out; extend provoke elicit prowess ambition; expertise quarters residences ramification 1) consequence 2) branch ready receptive