Chordian / deepsid

The source codes for running DeepSID, a modern online SID player for the High Voltage and Compute's Gazette SID collections.
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feature request: Jukebox-Mode #29

Open fieserWolF opened 1 month ago

fieserWolF commented 1 month ago

Hi there! Thanks to much for wonderful DeepSID!

Maybe I have not figured out how to do this, but maybe this is a feature resquest then. Could you add a kind of "jukebox" mode in which each Sid plays/loops for a given time (e.g. 6 mins) and then crossfades to the next SID-file in the list?

Would be awesome!

Chordian commented 1 month ago

Thanks for using DeepSID, and for an interesting idea. Cutting tunes short should be easy, but cross-fading would be quite challenging due to all the different SID handlers and the different C64 players.