Chouten-App / Chouten-Android

Chouten App for Android
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fix(material): snackbar #4

Open TobyBridle opened 1 year ago

TobyBridle commented 1 year ago


The current snackbar does not actually conform to material guidelines. As evident in this image, the snackbar action should be a text button rather than a elevated button.

Currently, all of our snackbar visuals have the dismiss button as default; however, it seems if there is not an action, we should just display the x icon instead. Another issue is that our action button is centered vertically. The issue is not as clear when working with smaller sized snackbar popups, though when working with large popups the button is too far away to the point that it presents a UX issue. Instead, we should follow the guidelines and have the action button / the default icon at a set distance from the bottom corner of the popup.