ChriD / Raumserver

Raumserver - A HTTP Request Server to control the RF-Multiroom System
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question for loaduri #12

Closed holli73 closed 7 years ago

holli73 commented 8 years ago


i used TUNEIN but i have minisatip + tvh running so all my listen channels are available direct from my satelite dish -> so i used now my own radio station and i'm not relaying on the internet or some provider. i always had some problems dropped connection/get new ip from provider,...

no i use the loaduri to connect direct to my favorite streams direct from my satelite dish this works fine - but i don't get the channel logo/name displayed - what needs my interface to provide so this is shown in the webclient like it is for tunein -> logo/name?

any help would be great.

thanks holli

ChriD commented 8 years ago

This is a known "enhancement issue" in the kernel and will be done if possible

ChriD commented 7 years ago

As Mentioned in the above link to the other issue, this si not possible with a nice amout of effort.