ChriD / Raumserver

Raumserver - A HTTP Request Server to control the RF-Multiroom System
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Static link of VC2013 runtimes #19

Closed ChriD closed 8 years ago

ChriD commented 8 years ago

Statically link to the VS2013 runtimes, instead of using dynamic linking to the runtime DLLs.

We can set this in the IDE through project settings under C/C++ > Code Generation > RunTime Library > Multi-threaded (/MT) or (/MTd). All the needed code will be compiled into theapp, which will make the files bigger, but will avoid ti have the Visual C++ 2013 runtimes installed

ChriD commented 8 years ago

OR add the runtime dll's which are missing to the binarie release. May be the best Approach?

ChriD commented 8 years ago

I created a BETA Release build and added the necessary dlls to the zip file (in fact there was some other dlls missing too like zlib and open ssl libs)