ChriD / Raumserver

Raumserver - A HTTP Request Server to control the RF-Multiroom System
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Allow load of random music playlist #22

Closed ChriD closed 7 years ago

ChriD commented 8 years ago

Dachte PlayMode SHUFFLE schaltet einfach die Zufallswiedergabe ON/OFF. Wenn ich damit das Gleiche erreiche, wie unter Playlist/Zufallslisten/My Music Suffle, so bin ich auch am Ziel :-)

Allow load of random music playlist

eg.: /loadRandomContainer?id=Wohnzimmer

--> Do in kernel

ChriD commented 8 years ago

First we have to create a shuffle playlist with the "Shuffle" command on the media server e.g 0/Playlists/Shuffles/TopArtists

this will return us a playlist id of 160 items that we can load with "loadPlaylist" command. So in fact it should not be that hard to create this.

So first we will create the Shuffels for Last listened artists, top ten artists and all tracks Shuffels wheer we can search the genre or artist will be created later (if there is the need for it)

ChriD commented 7 years ago

Works now :-)