ChriD / Raumserver

Raumserver - A HTTP Request Server to control the RF-Multiroom System
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New request "power on" supporting new feature remote power control #24

Closed davidspr closed 7 years ago

davidspr commented 7 years ago

Raumserver requests (e.g. play, stop,...) work if the Raumfeld device(s) is/are on or in standby/eco mode but they don't if the device(s) is/are switched off. However, the devices can be switched on via app using the new remote power control feature. Is it possible to try switching the devices on (if off) before sending requests (e.g. play)?


ChriD commented 7 years ago

I have to check if RF provides the API for that.

ChriD commented 7 years ago

Requests are now available (see Wiki for info)