ChriD / Raumserver

Raumserver - A HTTP Request Server to control the RF-Multiroom System
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Long Polling on getRendererState request is not reliable #55

Closed ChriD closed 7 years ago

ChriD commented 7 years ago

The Long Polling on getRendererState request is not reliable. If there are many states chageing in a row, then it may be that they will not be catched

ChriD commented 7 years ago

In fact the problem is the generation of the uniqueId for the long polling which will be the sme if called fast. So i have to jump in here!

ChriD commented 7 years ago

I've updated the random number genarator to a random unqiue unit generator. This will do its job

vicegold commented 7 years ago


mtenkoppel commented 7 years ago

Hi Chris, how exactly do I build the binaries? I tried running and it created some folders but without binaries. Thanks!

ChriD commented 7 years ago

install the approriate compiler (g++5) and then use the build script for what architecture you want to build e.g for linuxX64 would need some parameters which will be provoded by e.g

BTW: you have to build the RaumkernelLib (, the RaumserverLib and the Deamon one by one beginning with the kernel

If there is any error it will be shown in the console.

mtenkoppel commented 7 years ago

Hi again! The issue I am observing with Raumkernellib/Raumserverlib 1.0 is that after a while making a request to "raumserver/data/getRendererState" results in not responding and then crashing the daemon.

Interesting enough, restarting the daemon and calling /getRendererState results immediately in a crash. I am running Raumserver on a Pi and only rebooting the PI or the Raumfeld host resolves the situation. I cannot really explain this...

I this what you fixed with your change? Unfortuately I am not able to compile so there I cannot test it. Would there anyway you could provide binaries for ARMv7 to me?


ChriD commented 7 years ago

I do not know if this issue is fixed in the current repo. To find such problems i have added a stacktrace to the log but it does not work for ARM's as far as i tested

So, i can build you the current repo for ARMV7 and you may test this version. If it crashes please have a look in the log file if there is any stacktrace or if its the same as on the RF-ARM devices.

I'll let you know when i built it.

ChriD commented 7 years ago

Sorry, i have a lot of work to do so i didnt build it yet! I have not forgotten you!