Chris-656 / ioBroker.emporia

retrieves Emporia Energy data from the cloud
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IOBroker stoppt den Emporia Adapter regelmäßig, teilweise mehrmals täglich #23

Closed NeuanBord closed 10 months ago

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago

Hallo und guten Abend, zunächst einmal möchte ich mich recht herzlich bei dir für den Adapter bedanken. Ich bin erst seit 3 Wochen dabei und habe mir einen Raspi gekauft, den IOBroker installiert und auch den Emporia. Mein Emporia ist auf dem aktuellen Stand, der Helpdesk hat das gestern bestätigt. Mein Adapter ist auch auf der neusten Version. Dennoch bekomme ich immer wieder Fehlermeldungen, der Adapter stürzt ab. Warum er das tut kann ich nicht nachvollziehen, bei meinem Freund, der sich den Emporia auf meine Empfehlung hin ebenfalls gekauft hat, läuft dieser seit 1 Woche ohne eine Störung durch. Kannst du mal in das Logfile reinsehen? Ggf, wirst du ja daraus schlau und könntest mir einen Tipp geben, was ich versuchen kann. Ich habe keine Firewall oder ähnliches installiert. Der Raspi hängt über LAN direkt am Netz und hat volle Rechte. Danke und Gruß :-)

Emporia Problems2 Emporia Problems

Chris-656 commented 1 year ago

is it possible to see data from the webportal of emporia. Are the user credentials correct ? Seems you have a DNS problem. Try to check if the route to works. regards Chris

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago

Dear Chris, thanks for your answer. The Emporia app works fine. Also Empora webaccess via browser. No problems, all data there. Also the IOBroker data exchange works perfect. In a nutshell no issue. But from time to time the adapter in IObroker crashes and is stopped. This happens 3-4 x a day. I have a script which automatically restarts the emporia adapter after this crash. Therefore, I cannot understand the problem, everything works fine 99,5 % of the day. Concerning this background, can you explain what you mean by check the route to Thanks and kind regards!

Chris-656 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thx for the info, Question: You are using a PI4 for IObroker or windows system or docker.

With route I ment tracert in order to check the api can be reached.

Also this issue is not new []

Maybe a workaround: If you are in Raspi find out the ip ping then change hosts file sudo nano /etc/hosts enter a line for the ip address, I get this one try this maybe it helps for the moment

regards Chris

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago

Traceroute Pi4 Tracert Windows

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your answer. I checked the traceroute in Windows and in the Raspi Pi4. It seems to be a problem... but on the other hand the data transfer Emporia -> IObroker is working nearly the whole day. I processed your workaround without understanding what this is doing. Maye it helps :-) Thanks a lot!

Chris-656 commented 1 year ago

Ok That would Pass the DNS Server using the ip directly. The error you get seems to have something to Do with DNS and AWS Service. Monitor it and let me know Regards Chris

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago


Dear Chris, thanks for your reply :-)

I will monitor if the workaround is OK. In the meantime, there is another issue after proceeding with the above mentioned change. But, all figures are still comming as expected. The connection is OK, data is updated every 10 seconds in IOBroker. FYI, every single time I ping, I receive a different IP adress.... Now it is, next ping it is, ....

Kind regards and have a nice weekend!

Chris-656 commented 1 year ago

It seems that the ip you used is not reachable from your system ? That could be the Problem. Try all the ips you get with ping whether they are reachable. Regards Chris

NeuanBord commented 1 year ago

That is maybe a problem but on the other hand it is not. Your Emporia adapter is working 99,5 % of the time. No issues. If I do CMD and typ "ping" the IP is always changing. Now it is Since the failure from 12:36 h - no problems. The adapter running, data is comming. I will monitor this topic... Thanks!

Chris-656 commented 11 months ago

That is maybe a problem but on the other hand it is not. Your Emporia adapter is working 99,5 % of the time. No issues. If I do CMD and typ "ping" the IP is always changing. Now it is Since the failure from 12:36 h - no problems. The adapter running, data is comming. I will monitor this topic... Thanks!

Try the new version if this more stable regards Chris

Chris-656 commented 10 months ago

close it now seems there is no issue anymore?