Chris-Johnston / Easier68k

Work In Progress - A Python M68k assembler and simulator.
MIT License
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Add support for loading only certain sections of memory from a file #101

Open Chris-Johnston opened 6 years ago

Chris-Johnston commented 6 years ago

Should add some way to load only certain sections of memory from a file, without resetting the contents of all of the memory.

For example, should a program be loaded with a list file, it should be possible to load testing data on top of this data without overwriting the program.

This could be done with a list file, just consideration should be made to not wipe the full contents of memory.

In addition, down the line there will have to be some way to generate these partial sections of memory, so support for this should exist in the code. Ex: "Save memory from 0xA000 to 0xB000 to X file"