Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish / dNAO

Merge of dnethack onto the sources.
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Adjust Ruinous Descent of Stars explosions #2274

Closed RikerW closed 2 months ago

RikerW commented 2 months ago

You are no longer credited for the high-insight weapon attack explosions, since you can't control where they land at all - otherwise, this would be unusable anywhere you had people you wanted to keep alive. Adjusts the explode_yours code while I was there - now, explode_yours is no longer a weird copypaste of explode_full, it just calls explode_full as it should. explode_full also now allows you to actually specify yours/not yours as a result.

Also tweaks the explosions summoned by the invoke - you can now choose any location (and it randoms more-correctly than it previously did if you didn't choose), and the explosions are now 50/50 fire/physical. It's kinda lame if they're all fire damage and therefore mostly useless against half of hell, IMO. In addition, it now has no range limit - the original version didn't, because it was entirely random. The previous version did, but it was also random if you didn't choose a location and didn't have a limit, but couldn't randomly land within 3 squares of you. The new version has no limits on range whatsoever, but if you don't choose a location it still won't try to place it within 3 tiles of you - note that you can still catch yourself, because the explosions can drift up to 2 more tiles, and the earthquakes could always get you.

Messes with the extern explode_full argument signature, by the way.

Note that this does NOT change the behavior where it can still wake up/aggravate sleeping covetous monsters. If you're using this weapon, you are necessarily going very loud.

feature freeze is a state of mind.... right?