Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish / dNAO

Merge of dnethack onto the sources.
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Non-wizmode #vanquished #2276

Open NetSysFire opened 2 months ago

NetSysFire commented 2 months ago

3.7 already has that (NetHack/NetHack@f6b3b968e7a274480fbb9d1783930ba8cbbfb870). I am asking for extinctionist purposes so I'd even be happy to just know which creatures are extinct already.

Making this feature request formal so it does not get lost in the ##nethack-variants log.

The main concern I got so far is that you can use it to find out what invisible monster you just killed but that is pretty minor in my opinion. In that case you could only update the list every 500+1d50 turns or so, but maybe this concern is small enough that #vanquished can be there unfiltered.