Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish / dNAO

Merge of dnethack onto the sources.
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Summoned trap objects behave poorly #2292

Open demogorgon22 opened 1 month ago

demogorgon22 commented 1 month ago

I made it so a level cannot be loaded without the game crashing. If you do this on dlvl 1, the game is toast. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Put a land mine in a crystal skull
  2. Summon the dude
  3. Take the summoned land mine copy from the dude
  4. Set the trap
  5. Go downstairs, not taking the duded with you, causing him and his items to despawn.
  6. Try to go back up the stairs
  7. The level now can no longer be loaded without panicing.


I think maybe this could be caught nicely and this could be an impossible and the trap could just be removed? Also like obviously the root cause of this should be fixed, but this isn't a good reason for a level to be unloadable, when the sane solution is to just give up and remove the trap instead of locking the game out.