I've got some problems trying to run the next simple code:
let source = Image.from_image ~tag:"latest" "debian" in
Image.create source;
let id = Container.create "debian:latest" ["bash"; "-s"; ] in
Container.start id;
let e = Container.Exec.create id ["ls"; "-l"; ] in
let stream = Container.Exec.start e in
Container.stop id;
Container.rm id
In my understanding, Container.Exec runs a command in a running container, but I got
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:91: executing setns process caused \"exit status 21\"": unknown
when try to output stream content. So the question is what am I doing wrong?
Hi, I've got some problems trying to run the next simple code:
In my understanding,
runs a command in a running container, but I gotwhen try to output stream content. So the question is what am I doing wrong?