Chris2011 / minifierbeans

Plugin to minify JS , CSS and HTML for quicken page load times by reducing the size of js/css/html files.
Apache License 2.0
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Combine/concat js, css files to one file #24

Open Chris2011 opened 8 years ago

Chris2011 commented 8 years ago

It would be nice, to have an option to combine/concat js, css and maybe html and json files to one while minification. I don't know how is it working because of the order of some files but maybe with a separate meta file which contains the order or smth like that I don't know. I will not put it into the files itselfs, but it could be an option too.



Nukleo commented 8 years ago

That would really be a nice feature! +1

lucasschirm commented 8 years ago

That would really be a nice feature! +1

Chris2011 commented 7 years ago

I think this is similar to this ticket #2

Chris2011 commented 7 years ago

Could this be a solution for this?

+++++++++++ bundles.js ++++++++

import ./../myJSFiles/file1.js

import ./../myJSFiles/file2.js

seems similiar to the scss @import thing.

Chris2011 commented 4 years ago

I'm struggeling with myself, whether this should be part of this plugin or not. Will think about it. And maybe I need more possible solutions how we can achieve this. For example, how about the prio of the files? Is file 1 dependent from file 2 we need to correct direction.