Chris2011 / nb-codeoutline

This is a NetBeans plugin which adds a code overview/outline for the current editor.
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Show bigger section on hovering for code which is not in the view port of the editor. #34

Open Chris2011 opened 8 years ago

Chris2011 commented 8 years ago

It is a bit related to your ticket: but a bit easier I think. I would like to hover over the code outline and after 200 or 300ms it should shows a little popover where you see the code of the codeoutline, doesn't matter which language you have. Like the thing here (WebStorm): hoverovercodeoutline

But first, not so big, not as width as the editor is only, a fixed size (Flexible via option) and not resizing. Here is an other example directly from NetBeans: hoverovercoldfolding

So no need to have special case for a language, you can hover over codeoutline and it will show you the code which is not in the view port of the editor and if you would like to jump to it, click on it.



markiewb commented 8 years ago

So something like this?

Here is the sourcecode if you want to play with it.

Chris2011 commented 8 years ago

I don't get it, the picture I can't identify what the meaning is. It is what you have in IntellIJ when you hover over the scrollbar which is not on the position in the editor to see the next code.