ChrisASearles / CompLinks

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Store Detail Page #120

Closed robgpeak closed 7 years ago

robgpeak commented 7 years ago

This is the container on the Store Index page that contains three columns, and the contents of those columns from left to right are; (1) the Store Index Image, and below that, separated by 10px, the “x points/$”, (2) a vertical line 1pt wide set to 80% of the height, (3) the description of the store [text left justified], and a Shop Now Button below that [right justified but still have enough of a buffer from the right and bottom of the container] See the mockup at

ChrisASearles commented 7 years ago

@robgpeak we took a little creative license based off your mock up and taking into account the way the site has progressed since then. We'll work on something closer to your original design.

@Dwells7583 I checked in a version that I think will accomplish goals across the board but it needs some work. Pull my changes and see what you can do to polish it up.

robgpeak commented 7 years ago

Please let me know when they are visible to me.

Dwells7583 commented 7 years ago

I cleaned up the text on this page as well as a few issues stacking on mobile. I also updated the description text to expand. @ChrisASearles having an issue with the way the ellipses are added to the end of the truncated text.