ChrisASearles / CompLinks

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All {Category_Name} Stores and Featured {Category_Name} Deals sections not displaying properly on my phone #199

Closed robgpeak closed 7 years ago

robgpeak commented 7 years ago

They are not stretching across the screen.

uploads/51cdb7cb-acda-4af1-a224-d94c31b28ad1/Screenshot (June 8, 2017 7-50 PM).png

robgpeak commented 7 years ago

I just realized why, it is holding a spot for the "Display Ads" on the right hand side of the screen. It used to be, that when the site was responsive to a certain size, the Display Ads would NOT show up, but now they are. We should put it back to the way it was that if the size of the window gets too small, don't show the display ads.

robgpeak commented 7 years ago

For further clarification this issue is only happening on the category index page. The size of the deals and promotions on the store index pages is NOT being reduced, because the display ads are disappearing, which they should on the small screen.

Dwells7583 commented 7 years ago

Issue resolved

cgladue commented 7 years ago

@robgpeak Published