I've been trying to use TaskbarX 1.7.6 to make it transparent for a while, but I can't seem to find out why it does not work. Whenever I click the regular option to begin, it centers them just fine but they are not transparent. Then when I go into configurations and press apply or any other button it bugs the taskbar putting back to regular windows not centered version. I do not know what is wrong, it used to work just fine on my old laptop. Im currently Windows 10 19044.1586.
I've been trying to use TaskbarX 1.7.6 to make it transparent for a while, but I can't seem to find out why it does not work. Whenever I click the regular option to begin, it centers them just fine but they are not transparent. Then when I go into configurations and press apply or any other button it bugs the taskbar putting back to regular windows not centered version. I do not know what is wrong, it used to work just fine on my old laptop. Im currently Windows 10 19044.1586.