Occasionally, when I run my Cucumber features I get this error:
Scenario: Uninstalling a module # features/admin.feature:24
Given I am logged into an Admin account # features/step_definitions/_common.rb:56
And I have installed a new module # features/step_definitions/admin.rb:40
Then I should be able to uninstall the module # features/step_definitions/admin.rb:66
Feature: Dispute
The Dispute is underway, both Agents are free to communicate with one another,
propose offers, attach evidence, etc.
Background: # features/dispute.feature:5
Given I am logged into an Agent account # features/step_definitions/_common.rb:43
And the Dispute is fully underway # features/step_definitions/_common.rb:7
And the Dispute is not in Mediation # features/step_definitions/dispute.rb:1
Scenario: Sending a message via an active dispute # features/dispute.feature:11
Then I should be able to send a message via the Dispute # features/step_definitions/dispute.rb:14
Unable to find field "message" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
./features/step_definitions/dispute.rb:19:in `/^I (should|should NOT) be able to send a message via the Dispute$/'
features/dispute.feature:12:in `Then I should be able to send a message via the Dispute'
On closer inspection, there is a /modules/test folder, but no contents. The config.json says "test":true. PHP fails because it tries to require /modules/test/index.php, which doesn't exist, and all remaining cukes fail.
This suggests that the module did not install correctly when running the module feature. Probably something to do with asynchronous file writing. Not enough of an issue to be a top priority right now.
Occasionally, when I run my Cucumber features I get this error:
On closer inspection, there is a /modules/test folder, but no contents. The config.json says "test":true. PHP fails because it tries to require /modules/test/index.php, which doesn't exist, and all remaining cukes fail.
This suggests that the module did not install correctly when running the module feature. Probably something to do with asynchronous file writing. Not enough of an issue to be a top priority right now.