ChrisCarini / loc-change-count-detector-jetbrains-plugin

A plugin for JetBrains IDEs providing a visual indicator as to your changeset size.
Apache License 2.0
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[enhancement] Change editor background color when LoC changes #65

Open ChrisCarini opened 2 years ago

ChrisCarini commented 2 years ago

Feedback provided by @harrisjasmine (TL;DR'd):

The widget icon & text are nice, but they are very small and hard to notice while coding. It would be nice to have a more obvious visual indicator to the user that they are reaching the various 'LoC change points'.

ChrisCarini commented 2 years ago

Changing the background might be more difficult than expected; there appear to be 2 ways to change the background:

  1. Via a custom theme
  2. Via a background image

A custom theme

A custom theme seems to have only static color codes available to set, though perhaps a totally custom UI theme could be created w/ a method to determine the color - look into UITheme

A background image

A background image seems to be a bit easier, though still difficult. Maybe based on what Yann said in this JB platform thread and using a custom set of background images provided in the plugin resources dir. Eventually calling IdeBackgroundUtil.repaintAllWindows() like in BackgroundImageDialog.doOKAction() (set a breakpoint in doOKAction() on the repaintAllWindows(); call, and see the prop key and value being set.

ChrisCarini commented 1 year ago

@all-contributors please add @harrisjasmine for ideas, userTesting

allcontributors[bot] commented 1 year ago


I've put up a pull request to add @harrisjasmine! :tada: