ChrisChinchilla / CiviCRM-eWay-recurring-payment-processor

CiviCRM eWay recurring payment processor
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Fatal error when submitting single payment for event #48

Open twomice opened 8 years ago

twomice commented 8 years ago

In CiviCRM 4.7.4, when submitting a payment for an event registration, through a payment processor of type ewayrecurring, upon clicking the "continue" button on the confirmation page, this error message is displayed:

Fatal error: Class 'GatewayRequest' not found in [extensions_directory]/com.chrischinchilla.ewayrecurring/CRM/Core/Payment/Ewayrecurring.php on line 614

This appears to be very similar to, in which it's been noticed that somehow the class constructor, where EWay class files are being included, is somehow never called. I've confirmed that such is the case here, though I can't quite understand how that's happening.

twomice commented 8 years ago

As a clumsy workaround, I've patched the code to include the files just before the classes are referenced:

index 810281d..ea8bf53 100644
--- a/CRM/Core/Payment/Ewayrecurring.php
+++ b/CRM/Core/Payment/Ewayrecurring.php
@@ -611,6 +611,10 @@ class CRM_Core_Payment_Ewayrecurring extends CRM_Core_Payment {
    * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
   protected function getEwayRequest(&$params) {
+    require_once 'packages/eWAY/eWAY_GatewayRequest.php';
+    require_once 'packages/eWAY/eWAY_GatewayResponse.php';
     $eWAYRequest = new GatewayRequest();

     if (($eWAYRequest == NULL) || (!($eWAYRequest instanceof GatewayRequest))) {
@@ -702,6 +706,10 @@ class CRM_Core_Payment_Ewayrecurring extends CRM_Core_Payment {
     if ($this->getDummySuccessResult()) {
       return $this->getDummySuccessResult();
+    require_once 'packages/eWAY/eWAY_GatewayRequest.php';
+    require_once 'packages/eWAY/eWAY_GatewayResponse.php';
     $eWAYResponse = new GatewayResponse();

     if (($eWAYResponse == NULL) || (!($eWAYResponse instanceof GatewayResponse))) {
eileenmcnaughton commented 8 years ago

I'm happy to merge that here if you submit it as a patch

twomice commented 8 years ago

Yep, can do. But first, is it worth discussing why the class constructor is never firing? What's up with that?

eileenmcnaughton commented 8 years ago

I guess the object has been cached on the form & so it is not being re-substantiated. Putting the require_onces in the constructor is an unusual pattern - normally you would stick them at the top of the file.

As an aside the Omnipay extension has Eway in it now too - but a different version of the api. It doesn't have feature parity yet but at some point that is likely to take over

monishdeb commented 8 years ago

Submitted PR in this regard