ChrisClems / EdgeSharp

A library of helpers and extensions for the Solid Edge API. A spiritual successor to SolidEdge.Community build on modern .NET to make Solid Edge interop less frustrating.
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Structural frame extensions #21

Open ChrisClems opened 1 month ago

ChrisClems commented 1 month ago

I don't even know where to start here. Just make it less bad.

ChrisClems commented 1 month ago

Structural frame objects are misleadingly named and are "assemblies" of frame "sections" or "segments" depending on which member you're using.

Frame sections can only be obtained from a frame using a ref that returns an array of sections with a section count via out. (build enumerable?)

ChrisClems commented 1 month ago

Extension method on StructuralFrames that returns a list of StructuralFrameSection objects (or segment? The SE API uses both interchangably).

StructuralFrameSection properties:

Side angle 1 Side angle 2 End angle 1 End angle 2 Offsets and rotations (create new coordinate class for X/Y/Z)

Side and end angles are not returning expected values.