ChrisEric1 /

Discord Bot Client - Login to Discord with a Bot Token (2022 - 2024)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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the servers wont load #16

Closed imcronus closed 1 year ago

imcronus commented 1 year ago

there is just an exclamation mark and no servers

CE1CECL commented 1 year ago

Works fine for me, anything in console? (F12 -> Console)

imcronus commented 1 year ago

the servers finally loaded after about like 30 minutes is there anything i can do to get a faster load?

CE1CECL commented 1 year ago

Wondering how many servers the bot is in? It could be the issue.

imcronus commented 1 year ago

currently its 176

CE1CECL commented 1 year ago

Hmm I have a bot that is in 20 Servers ATM, and its doing the same thing, It worked before though, I will leave this issue open until I find something out on why this is happening. It doesn't seem to be the members list thing at PR #14 or #13 so I see whats going on, sorry I didn't get back sooner.

CE1CECL commented 1 year ago

Sorry, its only in 20 servers atm, and it works fine for me doesn't hang. I have to close this issue because I don't own a bot token with 150 servers.