ChrisHammond / dnnCHAT

This module for DNN 7.1.0+ utilizes SignalR and DAL2 to create a Chat Room functionality for DNN
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OWIN Startup FriendlyName prop collisions #51

Open DNNMonster opened 2 years ago

DNNMonster commented 2 years ago

I get a FriendlyName related error when installing DNNChat on an installation that is already using an OWIN startup and that is also not using a FriendlyName property. I think it would be slightly better to add the property so devs following the example won't bump into the error.. I tried uncommenting the fully qualified name but it has no effect on the error. It works on our test env after we apply the FriendlyName.

[assembly: OwinStartup("DnnChat", typeof(Startup))]