ChrisJiro / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US5 Navigated Task by Completion Status #14

Open ChrisJiro opened 1 week ago

ChrisJiro commented 1 week ago

AS A user, I WANT TO navigate my tasks by their completion status, TO easily manage and review my completed and pending tasks, SO THAT I can stay organized and keep track of my progress.

SCENARIO: View Completed Tasks

GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user selects the option to view completed tasks, THEN the system should display only the tasks that are marked as completed, WITHIN 1 second, AND the user should be able to navigate back to the main to-do list screen WITHIN 1 second.

SCENARIO: View Pending Tasks

GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user selects the option to view pending tasks, THEN the system should display only the tasks that are not yet completed, WITHIN 1 second, AND the user should be able to navigate back to the main to-do list screen WITHIN 1 second.

SCENARIO: Toggle Task Completion Status

GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user marks a task as completed or uncompleted, THEN the system should update the task’s completion status in the Firebase database, WITHIN 2 seconds, AND the task should move to the appropriate section (completed or pending) WITHIN 1 second.

SCENARIO: Network Error During Status Update

GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user attempts to update a task’s completion status, THEN if a network error occurs, the system should display an error message stating “Network error. Please try again later.” WITHIN 2 seconds, AND allow the user to retry the status update once the network is stable.

SCENARIO: Filter Tasks by Completion Status

GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user applies a filter to view tasks by their completion status (e.g., all tasks, completed tasks, pending tasks), THEN the system should display the tasks according to the selected filter, WITHIN 1 second, AND the user should be able to clear the filter and view all tasks again WITHIN 1 second.