ChrisMBarr / LyricConverter

The universal translator & converter for song presentation files!
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Lyric Converter for Mediashout files does not distinguish types of verses #78

Open rohanale opened 2 months ago

rohanale commented 2 months ago


Thanks alot for getting the converter for Mediashout files working. This is going to be super helpful.

I was able to get a few files converted from text to json without issue.

However, when I checked the converted json file I notice that all the verses are labelled as verse 1. This includes the chorus.

I know Mediashout uses Part Types I think to distinguish between different types of verses but how will the converter know that a verse is a verse and a chorus a chorus. Will we need to have a label above each verse to say what type of verse it is?

Please advise.



ChrisMBarr commented 2 months ago

Can you provide some sample files that you used to put into LyricConverter? I'd like to see what is being put into it so I can see how it deals with the song part labels