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Utilize inequality operator (<>); Remove 'not' #69

Closed nskins closed 6 years ago

nskins commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to provide an example of the inequality operator, even if we don't say anything about it explicitly. From a pedagogical perspective, the user will still compare isOdd to isEven, which is just above, and quickly understand the difference. However, the inequality operator seems like the more lightweight, elegant solution since not requires parentheses in this case.

not might be natural to introduce in the "About Pipelining" section, if you still think it's necessary. I'd be willing to help with that if you do.

Go Blue!

normanhh3 commented 6 years ago

FWIW, I agree with your comments and change.

ChrisMarinos commented 6 years ago

Apologies, I meant to get to this earlier and forgot. I think it's fine to convert to the inequality operator here since you both find it a better fit. Thanks for the change!