ChrisMarinos / FSharpKoans

A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the F# language through testing.
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Koan 15 (stock data): Wrong assertion #84

Closed maxild closed 5 years ago

maxild commented 5 years ago


I really like the project. So much better than a cheatsheet.

Using the F# Interactive (fsi) on

let stockData =
        [ "Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close";
          "2012-02-29,31.89,32.00,31.61,31.74,59323600,31.74"; ]

let parseLine (s:string) =
            s.Split [|','|]

let parseFloat s =
    System.Double.Parse(s, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

// find the day with the greatest difference between the opening and closing prices.
let result =  stockData
              |> List.skip 1
              |> parseLine
              |> (fun arr -> (arr.[0], parseFloat arr.[1], parseFloat arr.[2]))
              |> (fun (d, h, l) -> (d, h - l))   // [1]
              |> List.maxBy (snd >> abs)        
              |> fst   // [2]

By running until [1] in fsi

val result : (string * float) list =
  [("2012-03-30", -0.01); ("2012-03-29", -0.13); ("2012-03-28", -0.18);
   ("2012-03-27", -0.05); ("2012-03-26", -0.42); ("2012-03-23", -0.01);
   ("2012-03-22", -0.28); ("2012-03-21", -0.19); ("2012-03-20", -0.05);
   ("2012-03-19", -0.07); ("2012-03-16", -0.04); ("2012-03-15", -0.15);
   ("2012-03-14", -0.35); ("2012-03-13", -0.45); ("2012-03-12", -0.23);
   ("2012-03-09", -0.06); ("2012-03-08", -0.17); ("2012-03-07", -0.25);
   ("2012-03-06", -0.44); ("2012-03-05", -0.04); ("2012-03-02", -0.13);
   ("2012-03-01", -0.46); ("2012-02-29", -0.11)]

And running all the way to [2] in fsi

val result : string = "2012-03-01"

Therefore the assertion should be

AssertEquality "2012-03-01" result

and not this

I kind of find it hard to believe that I am the first to report this, so maybe I am doing something wrong, Anyway go figure. And thanks for sharing this great intro to F#.

maxild commented 5 years ago

I kind of find it hard to believe that I am the first to report this, so maybe I am doing something wrong, Anyway go figure. And thanks for sharing this great intro to F#.

Nevermind: Opening and Closing prices...column 1 and 4, I should learn to read

ChrisMarinos commented 5 years ago

It’s all good- making mistakes is part of the learning process!