ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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ImportantGibPoller.OnCreatureDied: IndexOutOfRangeException #1073

Closed ChrisNZL closed 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

More Mono Dictionary exceptions...

Auto report, 0.3.5f, feedback ID 20220821-LXGNB

12:53:35, Frame 239461, EXCEPTION »  IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
>>>>> CRITICAL ERROR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior)
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value)
T2.ImportantGibPoller.OnCreatureDied (T2.NetID creatureNetID, UnityEngine.Vector2 bodyCenterPointPosition)
T2.Creature.SlayOrFallOver (UnityEngine.Vector2 fromPosition, System.Boolean forceZaerieExplosionNow)
T2.CreatureStruct.ReceiveDamage (T2.Creature fromCreature, UnityEngine.Vector2 fromPosition, T2.DamageBlob damageBlob, T2.Trap fromTrap, T2.LastHitInfo newLastHitInfo)
T2.LightningBoltGroup.CreateLightningBolt ()
T2.LightningBoltGroup.Update ()

GameStates: RompingThroughDungeon
OnlineGameInfo: Device is offline.
No previous server nor online game info.
GameSetupMode: Singleplayer
Players: 1
DungeonRoomTransitioner.state: Null
DungeonRoom.state: Ready
Room: 9 / 9
RoomModifiers: ExtraKnockback (Extra Knockback)
YouHaveDiedState: Null
SystemPlayer InputDevice: Keyboard
HumanPlayer 1 InputDevice: Keyboard
ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago


Years on, still convinced Mono has some weird async issues or something with its Dictionaries. Rare errors still occur.