ChrisNZL / Tallowmere2

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Loadout / Looting: Improve automation, strength detection, looting options #1101

Open ChrisNZL opened 1 year ago

ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Report from 0.3.6c, Android:

The automatic weapon selection is beyond frustrating. It doesn't seem to work as intended, as it will auto select weapons, very very frequently, that have less strength, less overall damage, that are at a lower level and with less rarity (yes, all at the same time). It doesn't make any sense, and it's aggravating to have to go the load-out everytime to select the previous weapon I was using. I suggest either fix the autoselect, or give us an option to either equip or not a weapon directly when we inspect it in a chest. Having the option to mark it as junk at this stage would be nice as well.


To look at for all platforms.

When looting a weapon:



ChrisNZL commented 1 year ago

Thoughts for looting from chests:

joaompinto commented 1 year ago

The "Acquire & Equip" touchscreen button sounds perfect to me.